BarCamp London.

BarCamp London 13

Group of people huddled around a small robot with wheels, assembling it on a table.

    BarCamp London is probably on Hiatus from 2025. See you instead at BarCamp Surrey 2025!

    BarCamp London is probably taking a hiatus for a while as our main organiser and sponsor looks forward to retirement and focusses on writing his next book.

    However, if you are keen to sponsor or volunteer to organise the next BarCamp London event email

    See you instead at BarCamp Surrey 2025!

    You may also find some of us BarCamp-ers at:

    BarCamp London 13 is over and was a great success

    Read about how BarCamp London 13 went here.

    What?: BarCamp London – share your nerdy passion unconference

    At a BarCamp London, a group of around 100 enthusiastic people gather to share their knowledge about technology and anything else they are interested in.

    We’ve had sessions on all sorts of topics in the past such as mixing mojitos, photography, life-hacking, and making sushi (and plenty of other stuff), right through to advanced discussions on programming, infosec, AI, and web design.

    A grid of cards stuck to the wall.
    On the day you can decide to give a talk by putting a card on ‘the grid’.

    The idea is that everyone who comes takes part in some way: that might be running a session (in any form – a talk, a workshop, a game, etc) or taking photos, blogging, posting to social media, etc.

    You can run a session on anything you want, (but you don’t have to.)

    Really, anything! Your session needn’t be technical or formal, and can be in any style you’re comfortable with. We call this a “participatory unconference”.

    If you want to host a session there is a good chance that you will have a space as there are 60 slots. Aim for 20 minutes or less to leave time for questions and answers. There are 9 parallel tracks, 7 of which have IT facilities (bring your own laptop and HDMI dongle.)

    A BarCamp session can be as formal or informal as you like.

    Photos courtesy of Edi Puclla and Kerry Buckley.

    When?: 9:30am (breakfast) for 10am start Saturday 23 November 2024.


    09:30 – 10:00Doors Open & breakfast (provided free)
    10:00 – 10:20Welcome Talk
    10:20 – 10:45The Grid opens
    10:45 – 13:00Sessions 1 to 3
    13:00 – 14:00Lunch (provided free)
    14:00 – 17:20Sessions 4 to 7
    17:20 – 18:00Main room – The Mysterious Mystery Game
    18:00Official Close
    After Party
    At the Mysterious Mystery Location – to be announced on the day


    There is a semi formal start and a semi-formal end, and the middle is up to you!

    Sessions are 30 minutes long with 10 minute pauses between them.

    • You can go to any session you like.
    • If you don’t find a session interesting, you can leave and go to another.

    When sessions aren’t running: There’s usually other fun stuff happening

    Yes, there is Lego. Games, conversation, food and drink, silliness, and people hacking on projects. There’s lots of good stuff going on at BarCamp.

    After Party: Separate venue about 10 minutes away

    There will be food and the cost of that has been covered by our sponsors. There is a licensed bar though you will need to be prepared to buy your own drinks. Proactive Paul tells us that they do a nice coffee and a lovely tea as well.

    How much?: FREE ticket (includes breakfast, lunch & snacks)

    Order your free ticket below, or head over to Eventbrite here.

    Order now before they sell out!

    Bring your paper, or digital ticket

    Arrivals without tickets cannot be admitted. No tickets are available on the door.

    If your name appears on your ticket as an alias or as a single initial please allow the Barcamp team to record the correct details for admission to the school. The venue staff and the volunteer team reserve the right to refuse admission.

    Can’t make it?: Please cancel your ticket

    Go to: 

    Click on your order, and choose “Cancel Order” so someone else can get your ticket.

    Where?: The London Academy of Excellence, Lilywhite House, 780 High Road, London, N17 0BX

    Building, modern, with ramp road leading up to it and a green 'living' wall. Blue sky behind. Its the Tottenham Academy of Excellence

    We’re returning to:

    The London Academy of Excellence 
    Lilywhite House
    780 High Road
    London, N17 0BX

    Show on: Open Street Map | Google map

    London Academy of Excellence logo featuring a graphic of a skyscraper which looks like The Gherkin

    Sponsors: Proactive & UKGovCamp

    We are grateful for the support of the following organisations whose generosity allows us to stage an event which is free for the attendees:

    Proactive logo with tick box

    BCLxiii is sponsored by Proactive.
    The go to solution for people who need help with tax and accounts.

    UK Gov Camp

    Huge thanks to UKGovCamp for their generous support.
    UKGovCamp is a free, annual unconference for people who want to make the public sector better.

    Become a Sponsor: Gold £1,500+vat, Silver £1,000+vat, Bronze donate what you can. See our sponsorship packages page

    Who?: Anyone 16+, mostly adult nerds, around 100 people

    Everybody is welcome at Barcamp. Male, female, young, old, every racial group represented, and every variety of LGBT+ case. They’re all welcome, and they’re all respected for their contribution to tech. This is as close as you can get to the ideal, harmonious gathering of society. Please respect one another. You don’t to have to agree with everything everybody says, you just ought to accept that some points of view can differ from your own.

    Tech Talk at CodeBar unconference, London, 2024.

    Who’s organising?: Volunteers

    All the organisers are volunteers, and we’re doing this in our free time out of our love for BarCamps and their community.

    Code of Conduct?: Don’t be a jerk


    This event is taking place in a sixth form college:

    • ages 16+
    • no smoking (throughout the venue, including the roof terrace.)
    • no vaping (throughout the venue, including the roof terrace.)
    • no alcohol
    • People who have Covid19 or cold/flu symptoms should stay away. (People who wear masks and who do not wear masks are equally welcome, and are to be respected for exercising their choice.)

    The code of conduct is here

    What to bring?: Yourself. Laptop & HDMI dongle (optional), refillable water bottle (preferable), sense of humour (required)

    Please bring a refillable bottle so that you can top up from the water fountains and minimise the use of disposable cups.

    Bring a sense of humour and fun.

    Call to action, order your free ticket!

    Order now before they sell out!

    Sponsors: Proactive & UKGovCamp

    We are grateful for the support of the following organisations whose generosity allows us to stage an event which is free for the attendees:

    Proactive logo with tick box

    Proactive – The go to solution for people who need help with tax and accounts.

    UK Gov Camp

    UKGovCamp – A free, annual unconference for people who want to make the public sector better.

    Become a sponsor: Gold – £1,500, Silver – £1,000, Bronze – donate what you can